Fortinet 助力企业为顾客打造安全高效的服务体验
零售企业希望引入富有吸引力的全新消费体验,然而这些创新技术往往与风险并存。Fortinet Security Fabric 安全平台无缝集成针对零售业的安全防护解决方案,全方位保护零售商总部及其分支机构网络。我们的集成解决方案将安全性覆盖至门店、餐厅、数据中心、云等所有位置,确保其免受各类网络威胁侵袭。
Fortinet 为零售商提供一系列网络与安全解决方案,且支持通过 Fortinet Security Fabric 无缝集成并实现自动化和协同防护。对于存在诸多层面防护挑战的零售商而言,无论是创造全渠道购物体验还是提高业务运营效率,Fortinet 广泛的解决方案组合均能助您轻松应对关键网络基础设施的安全挑战。
下载白皮书尽管受通货膨胀、新冠疫情和人员配置不足等不利因素影响,2021 年零售业和酒店业积极提升业务弹性,依然延续良好发展态势。2022 年,门店数量增长 2.7%,门店改造数量增长 4.3%。
下载报告各规模零售商正面临严峻挑战,从易于受攻击的网络连接销售点 (POS) 系统和设备到在线订购、交付计划、成熟的实时库存流程以快速扩展的物联网 (IoT) 环境,均潜藏各类安全风险。面向零售商的安全平台需基于一项基本原则,以增强可见性、优化实时安全策略执行和威胁情报共享。
满足 PCI 合规标准
While the overall expenditure within the retail and hospitality sectors will expand, those who effectively leverage the advantages of various AI technologies will ultimately reap the greatest benefits by outpacing and surpassing their competitors.
As the food & beverage industry works to catch up with other industries in general adoption of internet technologies (remote monitoring, cloud-based computing, Industrial Internet of Things), it’s also ramping up its safeguards against cyberattacks.
The Fortinet WLAN solution enables retailers to transform the shopping experience and convert walk-bys into walk-ins, showroomers into loyal customers, and loyal customers into brand ambassadors.
FortiVoice Cloud offers affordable subscriptions to help retailers from single location and growing franchises to national chains optimize their communication efficiency and customer experience without increasing their operating costs.
Retail crime remains one of the most serious problems facing retailers, from large superstores and chains to grocery stores and smaller independents.
Cyber criminals consider retail operations attractive targets.
Most restaurants have had to quickly adapt their business models for getting food in the hands of their customers. In support of low- to no-contact point-of-sale (POS) transactions, restaurants must rely on secure wireless technologies to protect themselves and their customers from opportunistic cybercriminals seeking to exploit a vulnerable new attack vector.
Fortinet provides retailers with a broad and complementary portfolio of security and networking solutions that reduce management complexity and enable automation—for fast and efficient operations. By pairing Fortinet Secure SD-WAN and FortiVoice Unified Communications, IT departments can optimize employee productivity with better voice and collaboration experiences. Retail organizations can also enjoy simplified management, maximum uptime, increased security, and better user experience at a lower cost – which all leads to an improved customer experience.
While at MURTEC 2023, RETHINK Retail and Top Retail Influencer Courtney Radke, Field CISO at Fortinet, spoke with several exhibitors to learn more about some of the explosive and dynamic trends that are driving the future of retail technology.
While at NRF 2023, RETHINK Retail and Top Retail Influencer Courtney Radke, Field and CISO at Fortinet, spoke with several exhibitors to learn more about emerging trends driving technology adoption in the retail industry.
This year, Courtney Radke, Retail & Hospitality Field CISO at Fortinet, took to the showroom floor to capture the buzz on trends, challenges, and tech adoptions.
Our Roving Reporter, Courtney Radke, Retail & Hospitality CISO at Fortinet, talked to some of these great brands about trends and challenges that are shaping the industry.