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Treinamento em cibersegurança por meio de Centros de Treinamento Autorizados (ATCs)

Os Centros de Treinamento Autorizados (Authorized Training Centers, ATCs) da Fortinet são uma rede de organizações de treinamento credenciadas em mais de 150 países e territórios em todo o mundo com ensino em 26 idiomas diferentes. Esses ATCs oferecem treinamento de cibersegurança em idiomas locais usando o currículo desenvolvido para o programa de certificação NSE da Fortinet.

Nossos ATCs são os instrutores exclusivos dos cursos FortiGate Security e FortiGate Infrastructure, bem como oferecem treinamento para as certificações Fortinet Certified Professional (FCP) e Solution Specialist (FCSS). Os cursos são ministrados nos formatos de sala de aula e on-line e oferecem o mesmo treinamento de alta qualidade que você receberia diretamente da Fortinet.

Para as próximas datas de treinamento para cursos em sala de aula e on-line, consulte a programação.

Saiba mais sobre o Programa de certificação NSE. 

Prêmios do Centro de Treinamento Autorizado 2023

Os prêmios do ATC (Authorized Training Center, Centro de Treinamento Autorizado) da Fortinet reconhecem realizações excepcionais na qualidade da entrega de treinamento, experiência do cliente e muito mais. Nossos parceiros demonstram seu compromisso em ajudar os clientes a alcançar o sucesso em um mundo digital e desempenham um papel fundamental na abordagem da lacuna de habilidades que afeta o setor de segurança cibernética. Temos orgulho de anunciar os vencedores nas seguintes categorias:

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Regional ATC Partner of the Year 2023 Regional Certified Trainer of the Year 2023 Global Marketing Innovation Award 2023
Parceiro Regional ATC do Ano

APAC: Datacipher Solutions
EMEA: Arrow Alemanha
América do Norte: INSA Corp
Instrutor Regional Certificado do Ano

APAC: Roman Arias
EMEA: Rony Moussa
LATAM: Daniel Almiron
América do Norte: David Warren
Global Marketing Innovation Award

Gold: Exclusive Networks
Silver: TD-SYNNEX Academy
Bronze: Arrow Education Services

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Programa de certificação premiado

2023 Cybersecurity Excellence Awards Winner 2023 Global InfoSec Awards Winner 2023 CyberSecurity Breakthrough Award Winner 2022 Silver Award Winner for Best Security Training and Educational Program 2022 Gold Award Winner for Best Cybersecurity Training 2021 Gold Award Winner for Best Security Training and Educational Programs
Vencedor do CyberSecurity Excellence Award em 2023 de Melhor programa de treinamento em cibersegurança e programa de conscientização sobre segurança Vencedor do Global InfoSec Award em 2023 de Melhor treinamento em cibersegurança e treinamento de conscientização de segurança de ponta Vencedor do CyberSecurity Breakthrough Award em 2023 de Melhor plataforma de treinamento em conscientização de segurança Vencedor do Silver Award em 2022 de Melhor programa educacional e de treinamento em segurança Vencedor do Gold Award em 2021 e 2022  de Melhor treinamento em cibersegurança Vencedor do Gold Award em 2021 de Melhor programa educacional e de treinamento em segurança


Treinadores certificados da Fortinet

O programa de Treinador Certificado (Certified Trainer, FCT) da Fortinet requer experiência e proficiência comprovadas com produtos e soluções da Fortinet, combinadas com habilidades comprovadas de treinamento instrucional. Este programa usa a mesma qualidade rigorosa de padrões que exigimos para todos os nossos instrutores da Fortinet. Saiba mais sobre como se tornar um instrutor certificado da Fortinet.

O treinamento da Fortinet é qualificado para créditos de emissor de CPE ISC2

(ISC)2 Logotipo do emissor do CPE

Benefícios adicionais são fornecidos a indivíduos certificados pela Fortinet que desejam aprimorar suas habilidades de segurança cibernética. Saiba mais sobre a inclusão do Instituto de treinamento no Programa de emissor de CPE ISC2.

As certificações da Fortinet contam para renovações da CompTIA

Logotipo da CompTIA

Agora você pode usar suas certificações NSE da Fortinet para obter Unidades de educação continuada (Continuing education units, CEUs) para renovar as certificações CompTIA abaixo:

Descubra mais

Torne-se um especialista certificado em segurança de rede da Fortinet – Faça o exame

Para obter a certificação NSE, todos os indivíduos devem ser aprovados no(s) exame(s) de certificação NSE associado(s). Os exames para níveis FCP e superiores são supervisionados pela Pearson VUE. Os candidatos podem se reunir para todos os exames NSE supervisionados em um centro de testes Pearson VUE ou através do serviço de supervisão on-line OnVUE.

Faça login em sua conta Pearson VUE Fortinet para ver a disponibilidade de lugares em sua localização.


Encontre um ATC

ATCs found.
Access 2 Networks Inc.
Authorized Training Center

Access 2 Networks Inc.

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Canada
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
ACLS Training Experts
Premier Training Center

ACLS Training Experts

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Arabic, French
Countries: Morocco
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Adistec Corp - Argentina
Premier Training Center

Adistec Corp - Argentina

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Argentina
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Adistec Corp – Bolivia
Premier Training Center

Adistec Corp – Bolivia

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Bolivia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Adistec Corp – Brazil
Premier Training Center

Adistec Corp – Brazil

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Brazil
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Adistec Corp – Chile
Premier Training Center

Adistec Corp – Chile

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Chile
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Adistec Corp – Colombia
Premier Training Center

Adistec Corp – Colombia

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Colombia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Adistec Corp – Costa Rica
Premier Training Center

Adistec Corp – Costa Rica

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Costa Rica
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Adistec Corp – Ecuador
Premier Training Center

Adistec Corp – Ecuador

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Ecuador
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Adistec Corp – Panama
Premier Training Center

Adistec Corp – Panama

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Panama
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Adistec Corp – Peru
Premier Training Center

Adistec Corp – Peru

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Peru
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Advancia Training
Authorized Training Center

Advancia Training

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Arabic, English, French
Countries: Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Congo, Gabon, Guinea (Conakry), Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Tunisia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Arrow Austria
Authorized Training Center

Arrow Austria

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: German
Countries: Austria
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Arrow Denmark
Authorized Training Center

Arrow Denmark

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Danish
Countries: Denmark
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Arrow Germany
Premier Training Center

Arrow Germany

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: German
Countries: Germany
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Arrow Netherlands
Authorized Training Center

Arrow Netherlands

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Dutch
Countries: Netherlands
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Arrow Portugal
Authorized Training Center

Arrow Portugal

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Portuguese
Countries: Portugal
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Arrow Spain
Premier Training Center

Arrow Spain

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Spain
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Arrow Switzerland
Authorized Training Center

Arrow Switzerland

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: German
Countries: Switzerland
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Arrow UK
Authorized Training Center

Arrow UK

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Boll Engineering AG
Premier Training Center

Boll Engineering AG

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: French, German
Countries: Switzerland
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
BridgingMinds Networks
Premier Training Center

BridgingMinds Networks

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English, Tagalog
Countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
CDW Direct, LLC
Authorized Training Center

CDW Direct, LLC

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Compendium Centrum Edukacyjne Sp. z o.o.
Premier Training Center

Compendium Centrum Edukacyjne Sp. z o.o.

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English, Polish
Countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Computer Gross
Authorized Training Center

Computer Gross

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Italian
Countries: Italy
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Computer Learning Center (CLC) Africa
Premier Training Center

Computer Learning Center (CLC) Africa

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English
Countries: Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Computer Pride
Authorized Training Center

Computer Pride

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English
Countries: Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
DACAS - Argentina
Premier Training Center

DACAS - Argentina

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Argentina
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
DACAS - Bolivia
Premier Training Center

DACAS - Bolivia

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Bolivia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
DACAS - Caribbean
Premier Training Center

DACAS - Caribbean

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Caribbean Netherlands (Bonaire - Sint Eustatius - Saba), Cayman Islands, Curacao, Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique, Puerto Rico, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sint Maarten (Dutch part), Suriname, The Bahamas, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
DACAS - Chile
Premier Training Center

DACAS - Chile

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Chile
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
DACAS - Colombia
Premier Training Center

DACAS - Colombia

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Colombia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
DACAS - Dominican Republic
Premier Training Center

DACAS - Dominican Republic

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Dominican Republic
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
DACAS - Peru
Premier Training Center

DACAS - Peru

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Peru
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
DACAS - Uruguay
Premier Training Center

DACAS - Uruguay

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Uruguay
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
DACAS – Paraguay
Premier Training Center

DACAS – Paraguay

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Paraguay
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Datacipher Education Services Pvt Ltd.
Authorized Training Center

Datacipher Education Services Pvt Ltd.

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Australia, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka
Course Delivery: vILT
Authorized Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English, Kazakh
Countries: Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Authorized Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Czech
Countries: Czech Republic
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Dynamic WorldWide Training Consultants
Premier Training Center

Dynamic WorldWide Training Consultants

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
ETEVERS Learning
Authorized Training Center

ETEVERS Learning

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Korean
Countries: South Korea
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Australia
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks Australia

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Austria
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks Austria

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: German
Countries: Austria
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Belgium
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks Belgium

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Dutch, French
Countries: Belgium
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Canada
Authorized Training Center

Exclusive Networks Canada

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English, French
Countries: Canada
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Czechia
Authorized Training Center

Exclusive Networks Czechia

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Czech, Slovak
Countries: Czech Republic, Slovakia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Deutschland GmbH Germany
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks Deutschland GmbH Germany

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: German
Countries: Germany
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Finland
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks Finland

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Finland
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks France
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks France

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: French
Countries: France
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Italy
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks Italy

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Italian
Countries: Italy
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Morocco
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks Morocco

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Arabic, French
Countries: Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia
Course Delivery: vILT
Exclusive Networks Netherlands
Authorized Training Center

Exclusive Networks Netherlands

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Dutch
Countries: Netherlands
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks New Zealand
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks New Zealand

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English
Countries: New Zealand
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Norway
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks Norway

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Norway
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks South Africa
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks South Africa

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Spain
Authorized Training Center

Exclusive Networks Spain

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Spain
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Sweden
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks Sweden

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Sweden
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Technology Romania SRL
Authorized Training Center

Exclusive Networks Technology Romania SRL

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Romanian
Countries: Romania
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks UAE
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks UAE

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Arabic, English
Countries: Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks United Kingdom
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks United Kingdom

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks USA Inc.
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks USA Inc.

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Fast Lane Canada Ltd
Premier Training Center

Fast Lane Canada Ltd

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English
Countries: Canada
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Fast Lane Consulting and Education Services, Inc.
Premier Training Center

Fast Lane Consulting and Education Services, Inc.

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Fast Lane Germany
Premier Training Center

Fast Lane Germany

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: German
Countries: Germany
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Fast Lane Mexico
Premier Training Center

Fast Lane Mexico

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English, Spanish
Countries: Mexico
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Fast Lane UAE
Premier Training Center

Fast Lane UAE

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Arabic, English
Countries: Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Kuwait, Nigeria, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, United Arab Emirates
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Grupo Infotech
Authorized Training Center

Grupo Infotech

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: El Salvador
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Authorized Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Hungarian
Countries: Hungary
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Authorized Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English, Norvegian
Countries: Norway
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Infinigate Belgium
Authorized Training Center

Infinigate Belgium

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Dutch, English
Countries: Belgium, Luxembourg
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Infinigate Deutschland GmbH
Premier Training Center

Infinigate Deutschland GmbH

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: German
Countries: Germany
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Ingram Micro Australia
Authorized Training Center

Ingram Micro Australia

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Ingram Micro Egypt
Authorized Training Center

Ingram Micro Egypt

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Arabic
Countries: Egypt
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Ingram Micro France
Authorized Training Center

Ingram Micro France

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: French
Countries: France
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Ingram Micro New Zealand
Authorized Training Center

Ingram Micro New Zealand

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: New Zealand
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Ingram Micro USA
Authorized Training Center

Ingram Micro USA

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
InLearn Educacao Ltd
Premier Training Center

InLearn Educacao Ltd

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Portuguese
Countries: Brazil
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
InLearn Education LLC
Authorized Training Center

InLearn Education LLC

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Premier Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English
Countries: Canada
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Insoft Services Denmark
Premier Training Center

Insoft Services Denmark

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Denmark
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Insoft Services Finland
Premier Training Center

Insoft Services Finland

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Finland
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Insoft Services Italy
Premier Training Center

Insoft Services Italy

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Italian
Countries: Italy
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Insoft Services Norway
Premier Training Center

Insoft Services Norway

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Norway
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Insoft Services Sweden
Premier Training Center

Insoft Services Sweden

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Sweden
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Insoft Services United Kingdom
Premier Training Center

Insoft Services United Kingdom

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Authorized Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Arabic, English
Countries: Egypt, Libya, Sudan
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Mantrac Distribution
Authorized Training Center

Mantrac Distribution

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Arabic
Countries: Egypt
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Maxtec Peripherals (Pty) Ltd
Premier Training Center

Maxtec Peripherals (Pty) Ltd

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: South Africa
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
MUK Training Center
Authorized Training Center

MUK Training Center

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English, Ukrainian
Countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Authorized Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
NCT Informatica
Authorized Training Center

NCT Informatica

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Portuguese
Countries: Brazil
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Authorized Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: French
Countries: Algeria
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Netsafe Solutions SRL
Authorized Training Center

Netsafe Solutions SRL

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Romanian
Countries: Romania
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Netsys Bilisim A.S
Authorized Training Center

Netsys Bilisim A.S

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Turkish
Countries: Turkey
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Netvision d.o.o.
Premier Training Center

Netvision d.o.o.

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Croatian
Countries: Croatia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Premier Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Arabic, English
Countries: Jordan
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Authorized Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Icelandic
Countries: Iceland
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Red Education Canada
Authorized Training Center

Red Education Canada

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Canada
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Red Education India
Authorized Training Center

Red Education India

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Red Education Singapore
Authorized Training Center

Red Education Singapore

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Red Education USA
Authorized Training Center

Red Education USA

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Redington Gulf FZE
Authorized Training Center

Redington Gulf FZE

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English
Countries: Kenya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
SCP Academy
Authorized Training Center

SCP Academy

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English, Greek
Countries: Cyprus
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Space Data Systems
Premier Training Center

Space Data Systems

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Arabic, English
Countries: Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia
Course Delivery: ILT
Authorized Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English, Hindi, Urdu
Countries: Bahrain, Kuwait, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
TD SYNNEX Academy Argentina
Premier Training Center

TD SYNNEX Academy Argentina

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
TD SYNNEX Academy Brazil
Premier Training Center

TD SYNNEX Academy Brazil

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Portuguese
Countries: Brazil
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
TD SYNNEX Academy CALA (Central America, Caribbean and Venezuela)
Premier Training Center

TD SYNNEX Academy CALA (Central America, Caribbean and Venezuela)

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Barbados, Belize, Bonaire, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Costa Rica, Curacao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Montserrat, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Saba, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sint Esutatius, The Bahamas, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela, Virgin Islands
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
TD SYNNEX Academy Caribbean
Premier Training Center

TD SYNNEX Academy Caribbean

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English, Spanish
Countries: Anguilla, Aruba, Barbados, Bonaire, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Curacao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, Puerto Rico, Saba, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sint Esutatius, The Bahamas, Trinidad & Tobago, Virgin Islands
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
TD SYNNEX Academy Chile
Premier Training Center

TD SYNNEX Academy Chile

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
TD SYNNEX Academy Colombia
Premier Training Center

TD SYNNEX Academy Colombia

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Colombia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
TD SYNNEX Academy Costa Rica
Premier Training Center

TD SYNNEX Academy Costa Rica

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Costa Rica
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
TD SYNNEX Academy Ecuador
Premier Training Center

TD SYNNEX Academy Ecuador

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Ecuador
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
TD SYNNEX Academy Mexico
Premier Training Center

TD SYNNEX Academy Mexico

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Mexico
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
TD SYNNEX Academy Panama
Premier Training Center

TD SYNNEX Academy Panama

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Panama
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
TD SYNNEX Academy Peru
Premier Training Center

TD SYNNEX Academy Peru

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Bolivia, Peru
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Authorized Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Premier Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English, Mandarin Chinese
Countries: China, Hong Kong , India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Trainocate Japan
Authorized Training Center

Trainocate Japan

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Japanese
Countries: Japan
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Triple C
Premier Training Center

Triple C

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Arabic, English
Countries: Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, United Arab Emirates
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Unicomp Information Co., Ltd.
Authorized Training Center

Unicomp Information Co., Ltd.

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English, Mandarin Chinese
Countries: Taiwan
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Wavelink Communications
Authorized Training Center

Wavelink Communications

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
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