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NSE 교육 및 보안 공인 교육 센터(ATC)를 통한 사이버 보안 교육

Fortinet NSE 교육 및 보안 공인 교육 센터(ATC)는 전 세계 150개 이상의 국가와 지역에서 26개 언어로 교육을 제공하는 공인 교육 기관 네트워크입니다. 이러한 ATC는 Fortinet NSE 인증 프로그램을 위해 개발된 커리큘럼을 사용하여 현지 언어로 사이버 보안 공인 교육을 제공합니다.

당사의 ATC는 FortiGate 보안FortiGate 인프라 교육 과정을 위한 독점 트레이너이며 Fortinet 인증 전문가(FCP) 및 솔루션 전문가(FCSS) 인증에 대한 교육을 제공합니다. NSE 교육 및 보안 공인 교육 과정은 강의실과 온라인 형식으로 제공되며 Fortinet에서 직접 받는 것과 동일한 최고 수준의 교육을 제공합니다.

강의실, 온라인 강좌의 예정된 교육 날짜는 일정을 참조하세요.

NSE 인증 프로그램에 대해 자세히 알아보기 

2023 공인 교육 센터 어워드

Fortinet의 ATC 어워드는 NSE 교육 및 보안 공인 교육 제공 품질, 고객 경험 등에서 탁월한 성과를 인정합니다. 당사의 파트너사는 고객이 디지털 세계에서 성공을 거두고 사이버 보안 산업에 영향을 미치는 기술 격차를 해결하는 데 중요한 역할을 할 수 있도록 지원하겠다는 의지를 보여줍니다. 다음 카테고리의 수상자를 발표하게 되어 자랑스럽게 생각합니다.

지금 보기

블로그 읽기
Regional ATC Partner of the Year 2023 Regional Certified Trainer of the Year 2023 Global Marketing Innovation Award 2023
올해의 지역 ATC 파트너사

APAC: Datacipher Solutions
EMEA: Arrow Germany
북미: INSA Corp
올해의 지역 공인 강사

APAC: Roman Arias
EMEA: Rony Moussa
LATAM: Daniel Almiron
North America: David Warren
글로벌 마케팅 혁신 어워드(Marketing Innovation Award)

금상: 독점 네트워크
동상: Arrow Education Services

자세히 읽기

수상 경력에 빛나는 보안 인증 프로그램

2023 Cybersecurity Excellence Awards Winner 2023 Global InfoSec Awards Winner 2023 CyberSecurity Breakthrough Award Winner 2022 Silver Award Winner for Best Security Training and Educational Program 2022 Gold Award Winner for Best Cybersecurity Training 2021 Gold Award Winner for Best Security Training and Educational Programs
2023년 사이버 보안 엑셀런스 어워드(CyberSecurity Excellence Award) 최고의 사이버 보안 교육 프로그램과 보안 인식 프로그램 수상 2023년 글로벌 인포섹 어워드(Global InfoSec Award) 최고의 사이버 보안 교육과 최첨단 보안 인식 교육 수상 2023년 사이버 보안 브레이크스루 어워드(CyberSecurity Breakthrough Award) 최고의 보안 인식 교육 플랫폼 수상 2022년 최우수 보안 교육과 교육 프로그램상 은상 수상 2022년, 2021년 최우수 사이버 보안 교육 금상 수상 2021년 최우수 보안 교육과 교육 프로그램상 금상 수상


Fortinet 보안 공인 교육 트레이너

Fortinet 공인 트레이너(Fortinet Certified Trainer, FCT) 프로그램은 Fortinet 제품과 솔루션에 대한 입증된 전문 지식, 숙련도, 입증된 교육 훈련 기술을 필요로 합니다. 이 프로그램에서는 Fortinet의 모든 트레이너에게 요구되는 엄격한 수준의 표준을 사용합니다. Fortinet 공인 트레이너가 되는 방법에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.

ISC2 CPE 제출자 학점에 Fortinet NSE 교육 적용 가능

(ISC)2 CPE 제출자 로고

사이버 보안 기술을 발전시키고자 하는 Fortinet 공인 개인에게는 추가적인 혜택이 제공됩니다. ISC2 CPE 제출자 프로그램에서 교육 기관의 포함에 대해 알아보십시오.

Fortinet 인증은 CompTIA 갱신에 중요합니다.

CompTIA 로고

이제 Fortinet NSE 인증을 사용하여 아래의 CompTIA 인증을 갱신하는 데 평생교육학점(CEU)을 받을 수 있습니다.

자세히 알아보기

시험을 통해 공인 Fortinet 네트워크 보안 전문가가 되십시오.

NSE 인증을 받으려면 모든 개인이 관련 NSE 인증 시험에 통과해야 합니다. FCP 레벨 이상의 시험은 Pearson VUE가 감독합니다. 지원자는 Pearson VUE 테스트 센터에서 또는 OnVUE 온라인 감독 서비스를 통해 모든 감독형 NSE 시험에 응시할 수 있습니다.

Pearson VUE Fortinet 계정에 로그인하여 해당 지역의 현황을 확인하십시오.


ATC 찾기

ATCs found.
Access 2 Networks Inc.
Authorized Training Center

Access 2 Networks Inc.

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Canada
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
ACLS Training Experts
Premier Training Center

ACLS Training Experts

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Arabic, French
Countries: Morocco
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Adistec Corp - Argentina
Premier Training Center

Adistec Corp - Argentina

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Argentina
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Adistec Corp – Bolivia
Premier Training Center

Adistec Corp – Bolivia

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Bolivia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Adistec Corp – Brazil
Premier Training Center

Adistec Corp – Brazil

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Brazil
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Adistec Corp – Chile
Premier Training Center

Adistec Corp – Chile

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Chile
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Adistec Corp – Colombia
Premier Training Center

Adistec Corp – Colombia

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Colombia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Adistec Corp – Costa Rica
Premier Training Center

Adistec Corp – Costa Rica

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Costa Rica
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Adistec Corp – Ecuador
Premier Training Center

Adistec Corp – Ecuador

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Ecuador
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Adistec Corp – Panama
Premier Training Center

Adistec Corp – Panama

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Panama
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Adistec Corp – Peru
Premier Training Center

Adistec Corp – Peru

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Peru
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Advancia Training
Authorized Training Center

Advancia Training

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Arabic, English, French
Countries: Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Congo, Gabon, Guinea (Conakry), Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Tunisia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Arrow Austria
Authorized Training Center

Arrow Austria

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: German
Countries: Austria
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Arrow Denmark
Authorized Training Center

Arrow Denmark

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Danish
Countries: Denmark
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Arrow Germany
Premier Training Center

Arrow Germany

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: German
Countries: Germany
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Arrow Netherlands
Authorized Training Center

Arrow Netherlands

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Dutch
Countries: Netherlands
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Arrow Portugal
Authorized Training Center

Arrow Portugal

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Portuguese
Countries: Portugal
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Arrow Spain
Premier Training Center

Arrow Spain

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Spain
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Arrow Switzerland
Authorized Training Center

Arrow Switzerland

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: German
Countries: Switzerland
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Arrow UK
Authorized Training Center

Arrow UK

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Boll Engineering AG
Premier Training Center

Boll Engineering AG

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: French, German
Countries: Switzerland
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
BridgingMinds Networks
Premier Training Center

BridgingMinds Networks

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English, Tagalog
Countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
CDW Direct, LLC
Authorized Training Center

CDW Direct, LLC

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Compendium Centrum Edukacyjne Sp. z o.o.
Premier Training Center

Compendium Centrum Edukacyjne Sp. z o.o.

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English, Polish
Countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Computer Gross
Authorized Training Center

Computer Gross

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Italian
Countries: Italy
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Computer Learning Center (CLC) Africa
Premier Training Center

Computer Learning Center (CLC) Africa

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English
Countries: Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Computer Pride
Authorized Training Center

Computer Pride

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English
Countries: Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
DACAS - Argentina
Premier Training Center

DACAS - Argentina

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Argentina
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
DACAS - Bolivia
Premier Training Center

DACAS - Bolivia

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Bolivia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
DACAS - Caribbean
Premier Training Center

DACAS - Caribbean

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Caribbean Netherlands (Bonaire - Sint Eustatius - Saba), Cayman Islands, Curacao, Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique, Puerto Rico, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sint Maarten (Dutch part), Suriname, The Bahamas, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
DACAS - Chile
Premier Training Center

DACAS - Chile

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Chile
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
DACAS - Colombia
Premier Training Center

DACAS - Colombia

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Colombia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
DACAS - Dominican Republic
Premier Training Center

DACAS - Dominican Republic

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Dominican Republic
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
DACAS - Peru
Premier Training Center

DACAS - Peru

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Peru
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
DACAS - Uruguay
Premier Training Center

DACAS - Uruguay

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Uruguay
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
DACAS – Paraguay
Premier Training Center

DACAS – Paraguay

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Paraguay
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Datacipher Education Services Pvt Ltd.
Authorized Training Center

Datacipher Education Services Pvt Ltd.

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Australia, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka
Course Delivery: vILT
Authorized Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English, Kazakh
Countries: Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Authorized Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Czech
Countries: Czech Republic
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Dynamic WorldWide Training Consultants
Premier Training Center

Dynamic WorldWide Training Consultants

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
ETEVERS Learning
Authorized Training Center

ETEVERS Learning

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Korean
Countries: South Korea
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Australia
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks Australia

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Austria
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks Austria

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: German
Countries: Austria
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Belgium
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks Belgium

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Dutch, French
Countries: Belgium
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Canada
Authorized Training Center

Exclusive Networks Canada

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English, French
Countries: Canada
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Czechia
Authorized Training Center

Exclusive Networks Czechia

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Czech, Slovak
Countries: Czech Republic, Slovakia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Deutschland GmbH Germany
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks Deutschland GmbH Germany

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: German
Countries: Germany
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Finland
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks Finland

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Finland
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks France
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks France

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: French
Countries: France
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Italy
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks Italy

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Italian
Countries: Italy
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Morocco
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks Morocco

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Arabic, French
Countries: Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia
Course Delivery: vILT
Exclusive Networks Netherlands
Authorized Training Center

Exclusive Networks Netherlands

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Dutch
Countries: Netherlands
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks New Zealand
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks New Zealand

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English
Countries: New Zealand
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Norway
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks Norway

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Norway
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks South Africa
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks South Africa

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Spain
Authorized Training Center

Exclusive Networks Spain

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Spain
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Sweden
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks Sweden

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Sweden
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks Technology Romania SRL
Authorized Training Center

Exclusive Networks Technology Romania SRL

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Romanian
Countries: Romania
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks UAE
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks UAE

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Arabic, English
Countries: Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks United Kingdom
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks United Kingdom

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Exclusive Networks USA Inc.
Premier Training Center

Exclusive Networks USA Inc.

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Fast Lane Canada Ltd
Premier Training Center

Fast Lane Canada Ltd

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English
Countries: Canada
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Fast Lane Consulting and Education Services, Inc.
Premier Training Center

Fast Lane Consulting and Education Services, Inc.

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Fast Lane Germany
Premier Training Center

Fast Lane Germany

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: German
Countries: Germany
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Fast Lane Mexico
Premier Training Center

Fast Lane Mexico

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English, Spanish
Countries: Mexico
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Fast Lane UAE
Premier Training Center

Fast Lane UAE

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Arabic, English
Countries: Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Kuwait, Nigeria, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, United Arab Emirates
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Grupo Infotech
Authorized Training Center

Grupo Infotech

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: El Salvador
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Authorized Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Hungarian
Countries: Hungary
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Authorized Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English, Norvegian
Countries: Norway
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Infinigate Belgium
Authorized Training Center

Infinigate Belgium

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Dutch, English
Countries: Belgium, Luxembourg
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Infinigate Deutschland GmbH
Premier Training Center

Infinigate Deutschland GmbH

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: German
Countries: Germany
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Ingram Micro Australia
Authorized Training Center

Ingram Micro Australia

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Ingram Micro Egypt
Authorized Training Center

Ingram Micro Egypt

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Arabic
Countries: Egypt
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Ingram Micro France
Authorized Training Center

Ingram Micro France

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: French
Countries: France
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Ingram Micro New Zealand
Authorized Training Center

Ingram Micro New Zealand

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: New Zealand
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Ingram Micro USA
Authorized Training Center

Ingram Micro USA

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
InLearn Educacao Ltd
Premier Training Center

InLearn Educacao Ltd

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Portuguese
Countries: Brazil
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
InLearn Education LLC
Authorized Training Center

InLearn Education LLC

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Premier Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English
Countries: Canada
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Insoft Services Denmark
Premier Training Center

Insoft Services Denmark

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Denmark
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Insoft Services Finland
Premier Training Center

Insoft Services Finland

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Finland
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Insoft Services Italy
Premier Training Center

Insoft Services Italy

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Italian
Countries: Italy
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Insoft Services Norway
Premier Training Center

Insoft Services Norway

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Norway
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Insoft Services Sweden
Premier Training Center

Insoft Services Sweden

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Sweden
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Insoft Services United Kingdom
Premier Training Center

Insoft Services United Kingdom

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English
Countries: United Kingdom
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Authorized Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Arabic, English
Countries: Egypt, Libya, Sudan
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Mantrac Distribution
Authorized Training Center

Mantrac Distribution

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Arabic
Countries: Egypt
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Maxtec Peripherals (Pty) Ltd
Premier Training Center

Maxtec Peripherals (Pty) Ltd

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: South Africa
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
MUK Training Center
Authorized Training Center

MUK Training Center

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English, Ukrainian
Countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Authorized Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
NCT Informatica
Authorized Training Center

NCT Informatica

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Portuguese
Countries: Brazil
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Authorized Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: French
Countries: Algeria
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Netsafe Solutions SRL
Authorized Training Center

Netsafe Solutions SRL

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Romanian
Countries: Romania
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Netsys Bilisim A.S
Authorized Training Center

Netsys Bilisim A.S

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Turkish
Countries: Turkey
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Netvision d.o.o.
Premier Training Center

Netvision d.o.o.

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Croatian
Countries: Croatia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Premier Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Arabic, English
Countries: Jordan
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Authorized Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Icelandic
Countries: Iceland
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Red Education Canada
Authorized Training Center

Red Education Canada

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Canada
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Red Education India
Authorized Training Center

Red Education India

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Red Education Singapore
Authorized Training Center

Red Education Singapore

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Red Education USA
Authorized Training Center

Red Education USA

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: United States
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Redington Gulf FZE
Authorized Training Center

Redington Gulf FZE

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: English
Countries: Kenya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
SCP Academy
Authorized Training Center

SCP Academy

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English, Greek
Countries: Cyprus
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Space Data Systems
Premier Training Center

Space Data Systems

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Arabic, English
Countries: Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia
Course Delivery: ILT
Authorized Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English, Hindi, Urdu
Countries: Bahrain, Kuwait, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
TD SYNNEX Academy Argentina
Premier Training Center

TD SYNNEX Academy Argentina

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
TD SYNNEX Academy Brazil
Premier Training Center

TD SYNNEX Academy Brazil

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Portuguese
Countries: Brazil
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
TD SYNNEX Academy CALA (Central America, Caribbean and Venezuela)
Premier Training Center

TD SYNNEX Academy CALA (Central America, Caribbean and Venezuela)

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Barbados, Belize, Bonaire, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Costa Rica, Curacao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Montserrat, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, Saba, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sint Esutatius, The Bahamas, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela, Virgin Islands
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
TD SYNNEX Academy Caribbean
Premier Training Center

TD SYNNEX Academy Caribbean

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English, Spanish
Countries: Anguilla, Aruba, Barbados, Bonaire, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Curacao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, Puerto Rico, Saba, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sint Esutatius, The Bahamas, Trinidad & Tobago, Virgin Islands
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
TD SYNNEX Academy Chile
Premier Training Center

TD SYNNEX Academy Chile

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
TD SYNNEX Academy Colombia
Premier Training Center

TD SYNNEX Academy Colombia

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Colombia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
TD SYNNEX Academy Costa Rica
Premier Training Center

TD SYNNEX Academy Costa Rica

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Costa Rica
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
TD SYNNEX Academy Ecuador
Premier Training Center

TD SYNNEX Academy Ecuador

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Ecuador
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
TD SYNNEX Academy Mexico
Premier Training Center

TD SYNNEX Academy Mexico

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Mexico
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
TD SYNNEX Academy Panama
Premier Training Center

TD SYNNEX Academy Panama

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Panama
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
TD SYNNEX Academy Peru
Premier Training Center

TD SYNNEX Academy Peru

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Bolivia, Peru
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Authorized Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Spanish
Countries: Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Premier Training Center


Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English, Mandarin Chinese
Countries: China, Hong Kong , India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Trainocate Japan
Authorized Training Center

Trainocate Japan

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: Japanese
Countries: Japan
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Triple C
Premier Training Center

Triple C

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP & FCSS
Languages: Arabic, English
Countries: Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, United Arab Emirates
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Unicomp Information Co., Ltd.
Authorized Training Center

Unicomp Information Co., Ltd.

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English, Mandarin Chinese
Countries: Taiwan
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
Wavelink Communications
Authorized Training Center

Wavelink Communications

Accredited NSE Levels: FCP
Languages: English
Countries: Australia
Course Delivery: ILT; vILT
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