FortiVoice 在單一直覺式平台中提供了一系列豐富的通訊和安全功能,可簡化辦公室、裝置和使用者間的管理任務。FortiVoice 易於部署,並可自訂為與您的業務工作流程保持一致,從而實現最佳營運效率。FortiVoice 安全 UC 採用最新的安全和加密技術,可保護業務對話、確保資訊安全,並預防來電攔截或 SIP 攻擊。無論身處何地,所有使用者均可享受安全且清晰的通訊。
立即觀看Fortinet 提供企業級電話系統,可將全包式 FortiVoice 系統和高清晰音訊 FortiFone 相結合。由於基礎架構、遠端/混合式工作和 BYOD 不斷演進,此解決方案可協助組織跟上隨之不斷變化的通訊需求。我們的單一平台整合了通話、會議、聊天、傳真和行動支援,讓組織能夠在不增加資源和成本的情況下聯絡團隊並簡化現代通訊。
FortiVoice 在單一直覺式平台中提供了一系列豐富的通訊和安全功能,可簡化辦公室、裝置和使用者間的管理任務。FortiVoice 易於部署,並可自訂為與您的業務工作流程保持一致,從而實現最佳營運效率。FortiVoice 安全 UC 採用最新的安全和加密技術,可保護業務對話、確保資訊安全,並預防來電攔截或 SIP 攻擊。無論身處何地,所有使用者均可享受安全且清晰的通訊。
立即觀看FortiVoice UC 可讓您的混合和遠端工作人員保持連線並進行協作,同時為您的組織提供傳統電話系統無法實現的安全性和現代通訊功能。使用者可利用我們適合行動使用的直覺式 Softclient 撥打和接聽商務電話、加入會議或交流聊天。這可以使用智慧型手機或電腦隨時隨地完成,且所有操作都使用相同的業務電話號碼。不論身處何地,FortiVoice 都能在不降低效率的情況下為您的團隊提供安全、高品質的相同通話體驗。
立即觀看FortiVoice 可提供強大且安全的通訊,可滿足各公司獨特的實體、虛擬設備或雲端通訊需求。* 所有 FortiVoice 系統和服務都能與 FortiGate NGFW 和 Fortinet Secure SD-WAN 流暢配合作,可進一步擴大手機裝置和應用程式的相關保護,並為 FortiVoice 提供更好的服務品質。因此,您的企業網路得以最佳化,可支援即時流量並消除不必要的壅塞,同時最大限度地延長 FortiVoice 的正常運作時間。
立即觀看* FortiVoice Cloud 目前僅適用於北美客戶。
FortiVoice 旨在透過整合每台分機的通話、會議和聊天功能,實現高效通訊。FortiVoice 具有 Fortinet 的可靠安全性支援,為當今的混合環境提供可靠且靈活的系統,使員工能夠隨時隨地開展工作,讓企業安心無憂。
進階安全性功能可保護對話,並防止通話攔截或 SIP 駭客攻擊
FortiVoice 系統可作為實體和虛擬設備提供,也可以在雲端提供。*我們提供自動佈建的 FortiFone 電話,用於自動完成您的部署流程,以及適合行動使用的 Softclient,用於支援行動式工作。
附註:FortiVoice 產品受區域電信法規的約束。
這些經濟實惠的 FortiVoice PBX 系統配備了所有業務關鍵型通話功能,在不增加通訊成本的情況下提高員工生產力。
分機 |
20 extensions, 2 FXS ports |
中繼線 |
2 FXO ports, 4 VoIP trunks |
附加元件 |
FortiFone Softclient, Unified Communications |
分機 |
20 extensions |
中繼線 |
4 FXO ports, 4 VoIP trunks |
附加元件 |
FortiFone Softclient, Unified Communications |
分機 |
50 extensions, 2 FXS ports |
中繼線 |
6 FXO ports, 8 VoIP trunks |
附加元件 |
FortiFone Softclient, Unified Communications |
這些全面的 FortiVoice PBX 系統具有全包式功能和集中式管理,可簡化您的 IT 管理和最佳化涵蓋所有位置的業務效率。
分機 |
100 extensions |
中繼線 |
16 VoIP trunks |
附加元件 |
FortiFone Softclient, Unified Communications, Call Center, Hotel Management |
分機 |
200 extensions |
中繼線 |
8 FXO ports, 24 VoIP trunks |
附加元件 |
FortiFone Softclient, Unified Communications, Call Center, Hotel Management |
分機 |
300 extensions |
中繼線 |
1 PRI port, 30 VoIP trunks |
附加元件 |
FortiFone Softclient, Unified Communications, Call Center, Hotel Management |
分機 |
500 extensions |
中繼線 |
50 VoIP trunks |
附加元件 |
FortiFone Softclient, Unified Communications, Call Center, Hotel Management |
分機 |
2000 extensions |
中繼線 |
200 VoIP trunks |
附加元件 |
FortiFone Softclient, Unified Communications, Call Center, Hotel Management |
分機 |
5000 extensions |
中繼線 |
500 VoIP trunks |
附加元件 |
FortiFone Softclient, Unified Communications, Call Center, Hotel Management |
這些可擴展的 FortiVoice 閘道型號擴展了不同類比裝置到 FortiVoice 系統的連線。雙網路連線和本机生存能力支援可確保永遠在線的通訊。FortiVoice 閘道裝置可與配備 100 個分機的 FortiVoice 型號配合使用。
FortiVoice 支援許多管理程式,包括 VMware ESX 和 ESXi、Microsoft Hyper V
分機 |
50 extensions |
中繼線 |
8 VoIP trunks |
附加元件 |
FortiFone Softclient, Unified Communications |
分機 |
100 extensions |
中繼線 |
16 VoIP trunks |
附加元件 |
FortiFone Softclient, Unified Communications, Call Center, Hotel Management |
分機 |
200 extensions |
中繼線 |
24 VoIP trunks |
附加元件 |
FortiFone Softclient, Unified Communications, Call Center, Hotel Management |
分機 |
500 extensions |
中繼線 |
50 VoIP trunks |
附加元件 |
FortiFone Softclient, Unified Communications, Call Center, Hotel Management |
分機 |
2,000 extensions |
中繼線 |
200 VoIP trunks |
附加元件 |
FortiFone Softclient, Unified Communications, Call Center, Hotel Management |
分機 |
5,000 extensions |
中繼線 |
500 VoIP trunks |
附加元件 |
FortiFone Softclient, Unified Communications, Call Center, Hotel Management |
分機 |
10,000 extensions |
中繼線 |
1,000 VoIP trunks |
附加元件 |
FortiFone Softclient, Unified Communications, Call Center, Hotel Management |
分機 |
20,000 extensions |
中繼線 |
2,000 VoIP trunks |
附加元件 |
FortiFone Softclient, Unified Communications, Call Center, Hotel Management |
分機 |
50,000 extensions |
中繼線 |
3,000 VoIP trunks |
附加元件 |
FortiFone Softclient, Unified Communications, Call Center, Hotel Management |
這款實惠電話提供清晰的高解析度音訊和酒店所需的各種功能。您可以透過 6 個可程式化按鍵和方便的單鍵觸控存取自訂此電話,用於客房、大廳或辦公室。
FortiVoice 統一通訊提供 FortiFone Softclient,以協助使用者隨時隨地保持連線。直觀的介面可協助您直接從智慧型手機或桌上型電腦輕鬆撥打/接聽電話、收聽語音信箱、加入電話會議、啟動交談、傳送/接收傳真,以及存取號碼簿。*
行動型 FortiFone Softclient 行動型 FortiFone Softclient 可增強與辦公室的連接,即使是在行動中也一樣。將您的行動裝置變成為連接到 FortiVoice 電話系統的分機,為您提供真正統一的通訊體驗,就像您真的在辦公室一樣。 |
桌上型 FortiFone Softclient 桌上型 FortiFone Softclient 可讓您全天高效移動。桌上型電腦上的應用程式可讓您輕鬆撥打和接聽電話,所有通話都透過簡單直觀的介面進行控制。
FortiVoice Cloud 可提供安全的雲端通訊,且無需購買和維護 PBX 硬體。其訂閱的全包式服務可降低 IT 資源需求,實現快速部署。只需將支援雲端的 FortiFone 電話機連接到網際網路連線,或在電腦或智慧型手機上安裝 FortiFone Softclient 即可。
我們的雲端服務和資料中心受到 Fortinet 的安全保護,並由我們的安全專家進行監控,以盡可能延長正常運作時間。您的 FortiVoice 服務透過自動災害復原進行安全防護,可減少業務中斷。
借助 FortiFone Softclient,您可靈活地保持連線並存取強大的通訊系統。您可以直接從 FortiFone Softclient 輕鬆撥打和接聽電話、啟動立即訊息或加入會議。
簡單訂閱,FortiVoice Cloud 即可為您提供所需的一切。僅需為符合業務和預算需求的內容付費。FortiVoice Cloud 自動提供所有最新的通訊功能。
使用 FortiVoice Cloud,IT 人員可以從直覺式網路管理主控台為所有使用者輕鬆啟用和部署服務。您可以遠端設定 FortiVoice,並查看不同位置和不同裝置的系統效能。
FortiVoice Cloud 服務包含進階安全與加密功能,可保護您的對話。Fortinet 是唯一一家跨網路基礎架構和電話通訊提供端對端安全保護的廠商。
*FortiVoice Cloud 目前僅適用於北美客戶
Fortinet 致力於協助我們的客戶取得成功,並且 FortiCare 服務每年都會幫助數千家組織從其對 Fortinet 產品和服務的投入中獲得最大利益。為實現這一目標,FortiCare 遵循生命週期方法並提供獨特的服務,幫助客戶邁向成功之路。
FortiVoice Gateways Datasheet
FortiVoice Global Availability for Phone Systems and Phones Datasheet
FortiVoice Phone System Capacities Datasheet
FortiCall Datasheet
FortiVoice Unified Communications Datasheet
FortiVoice Cloud Unified Communications Datasheet
FortiVoice Call Center Datasheet
FortiVoice Enterprise Phone Systems Datasheet
FortiFone Datasheet
The influx of UCaaS solutions has given organizations many options for how they enable their teams to communicate. But not all of these solutions are created equal. Connectivity issues, breaches, cost-prohibitive subscription models, and misconfigured tools that don’t integrate well with legacy systems can cause miscommunication, hurt an organization’s brand reputation, and damage their bottom line. Having a secure, reliable, cost-effective communications infrastructure to keep business booming and employees connected from everywhere is crucial for any organization.
Communication between a business and its customers is crucial, and digital innovation today is rapidly changing the ways we communicate.
Unlike many one-size-fits-all phone systems, FortiVoice Unified Communications allows healthcare organizations to tailor their systems to streamline communication processes for operational efficiency.
FortiVoice Cloud offers affordable subscriptions to help retailers from single location and growing franchises to national chains optimize their communication efficiency and customer experience without increasing their operating costs.
FortiVoice Unified Communications delivers quality calling, conferencing, chat, fax, and more in a single platform, with flexible deployment options in cloud, hardware, and virtual machines.
FortiVoice Cloud is a secure, cloud-based unified communications solution with all-inclusive calling, conferencing, chat, and fax.
FortiVoice Unified Communications secures office communications and streamlines centralized management of office phones and mobile-friendly softclients.
Cyber criminals are increasingly targeting emergency response networks throughout the United States. The risk to Next Generation (NextGen) 911 systems posed by advanced malware and denial-of-service (DoS) attacks highlights the critical need for local governments to secure emergency response networks.
Schools today are often overwhelmed by constantly evolving technologies in applications, phones, and devices that are crucial for building an efficient communications infrastructure that will last into the future.
A phone system plays a critical role in schools and educational institutions for operations and security. K-12 schools have traditionally been behind the curve in emerging communications technology.
Appleton Area School District (AASD) is the sixth-largest school district in Wisconsin, catering to over 16,000 students. Learn how the district implemented the FortiMail solution to protect students and 2,500 staff and reduced security incidents by approximately 95%. AASD also implemented FortiEDR to improve endpoint management on devices. With Fortinet, the district has been able to dramatically improve its security posture and increase visibility of potential threats
FortiVoice Unified Communications works seamlessly with quality FortiFone IP phones to optimize users' calling experience. FortiFone FON-580B is an enterprise-grade phone for businesses of all sizes and ideal for high call volume handlers, such as receptionists and call attendants. In this tutorial video, you will learn how to use this enriched FON-580B phone to handle calls, check voicemail, and much more.
FortiVoice Unified Communications works seamlessly with a selection of quality FortiFone IP phones to optimize your calling experience. FortiFone FON-480B is an enterprise-grade IP phone, delivering crystal HD sound and a modern style for office professionals. In this video, you will learn how to use this enriched FON-480B phone to handle calls, check voicemail, and much more.
FortiVoice Unified Communications works seamlessly with a selection of quality FortiFone IP phones to optimize your calling experience. FortiFone FON-380B is a mid-range phone, delivering HD audio and an easy-to-use design for any office users. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use this quality FON-380B phone to handle calls, check voicemail, and much more.
Fortinet provides retailers with a broad and complementary portfolio of security and networking solutions that reduce management complexity and enable automation—for fast and efficient operations. By pairing Fortinet Secure SD-WAN and FortiVoice Unified Communications, IT departments can optimize employee productivity with better voice and collaboration experiences. Retail organizations can also enjoy simplified management, maximum uptime, increased security, and better user experience at a lower cost – which all leads to an improved customer experience.
A modern communications solution enables organizations to connect branch offices and distributed teams together while improving employee productivity for business efficiency, resulting in higher bandwidth requirements.
Built for ultimate communication efficiency, FortiVoice Cloud connects your team together with all-inclusive calling, conferencing, chat and fax. Optimize your investment with FortiVoice Cloud’s affordable and flexible subscriptions. Your employees can stay productive and enjoy quality and secure communications wherever they are, on any device.
Bridgeway Senior Healthcare provides short-term care, rehabilitation, and assisted-living services to seniors from skilled medical professionals.