FortiGuard AI-Powered Security Services for SMBs
Enterprise-grade AI-powered threat protection for SMBs
Download Service BriefSmall and medium-sized businesses often face the same types of threats that large enterprises do. So, why should your security solutions be anything less than enterprise-grade?
Get enterprise-grade security with FortiGuard AI-powered Security Services.
AI-powered threat protection
Protect your environment against all manner of cyberthreats with powerful security services powered by AI.
Protect your network
Inspect traffic at your edge for exploits, malicious packets, malicious file content, and other threats coming in and block them from going further.
See the state of your security posture
with a click
Identify, assess, and score risk associated with assets and security controls in your environment.
Stop malware
Keep malware (including ransomware) from getting through and disrupting your business.
Stop web-based threats
Prevent access to malicious website domains and URLs by employees and applications.
Be hands-on or hands-off
“Set it and forget it” with simple and flexible security services, or take a hands-on approach.
With tight integration into FortiGate Next-Generation Firewalls, Secure SD-WAN, and SASE solutions, FortiGuard AI-Powered Security Services deliver comprehensive protection for on-premises, cloud, and hybrid environments. Regardless of the size or complexity of your organization or where it does business, FortiGuard AI-Powered Security Services protect your organization from all manner of cyberthreats.
Secure the data center
Protect the core of your organization’s digital infrastructure, including applications and data.
Protect office locations and other sites
Stop malicious network traffic while enabling secure internet access and protecting against web- and DNS-based threats.
Secure applications and usage
Identify and protect applications in use by your organization, monitor usage trends, and secure data at all times.
Proporciona las defensas más actualizadas contra amenazas y vulnerabilidades conocidas y previamente desconocidas.
Protege contra los últimos ataques polimórficos, virus, malware (incluido el ransomware) y otras amenazas.
Realiza inspecciones en tiempo real de archivos impulsada por IA para protegerlos contra amenazas desconocidas, días cero y ataques sofisticados basados en archivos.
Organizaciones de todo el mundo utilizan las capacidades de control de aplicaciones e IPS de FortiGuard en la plataforma FortiGate para administrar miles de aplicaciones diferentes y bloquear intrusiones en la red. Cada minuto de cada día, FortiGuard IPS bloquea aproximadamente 470 000 intrusiones de red.
Permite una visibilidad total del tráfico de DNS y bloquea los dominios de alto riesgo, incluidos los dominios maliciosos recién registrados (NRD) y los dominios estacionados.
Utiliza análisis y correlación del comportamiento impulsados por IA para bloquear URL maliciosas desconocidas casi de inmediato, con falsos negativos casi cero.
Agrega datos IP de fuente maliciosa de la Fortinet Distribution Network de sensores de amenazas, CERT, MITRE y otras fuentes que colaboran para proveer inteligencia de amenazas actualizada.
Evalúa y califica su infraestructura y controles de Security Fabric, y los compara con las mejores prácticas y los principales marcos de seguridad y cumplimiento. Incluye cobertura para dispositivos IoT conectados.
FortiGuard CASB es una solución de modo dual que proporciona seguridad, escalabilidad y rendimiento mediante una & protección de aplicaciones en línea y basada en API. Obtenga el servicio CASB de FortiGuard para la seguridad de los datos y la protección contra amenazas.
Reduce drásticamente el correo no deseado en el perímetro a través de un enfoque multicapa para filtrar el correo electrónico.
SMBs need the same caliber of protections that enterprises do. FortiGuard AIPowered Security Services is developed and continually updated with the latest threat intelligence of FortiGuard Labs.
FortiGuard AI-Powered Security Services for FortiGate Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFWs) provides market-leading security capabilities to protect organizations against network-, web-, application-, file- and web-based threats.